Mount and blade warband nova aetas
Mount and blade warband nova aetas

mount and blade warband nova aetas

Zendar, being an independent statelet, had issues maintaining its independence from less diplomatic third parties such as the River Pirates and Sea Raiders.

mount and blade warband nova aetas

The player could recruit farmers from the tavern and could join tournaments and receive training from the local trainer. Aditionally, the town featured the only playable arena (in Warrider), 'the Happy Boar' tavern, a training dungeon accessible via dialogue with the combat trainer, and a goods store in later versions. The town included the main square where most of the town's characters could be found, including the tutorial characters from whom the player could learn about capturing and selling prisoners, damage types, and of other locations like Four Ways Inn, Dhorak's Keep and Salt Mines. The player would begin the game in Zendar. In later versions, between the Kingdom of Nords and the Vaegirs. It was originally located between the Kingdom of Swadia and the Kingdom of Vaegirs. Zendar was neutral town introduced in version.

Mount and blade warband nova aetas